Michael Josh
This was the first image I came across, “I ♥ APPLE” by Michael Josh. I couldn’t find too much information on it and it seems to be a one off as far as I could tell. But I really liked the use of a similar colour in all three images and thought that I would attempt to recreate this in my own work. As well as the colour there is also the idea of it all being the same brand, the idea of having objects from the same family of products, yet are still different quite appeals to me.
I liked the idea of having three images that all looked like they belonged on the side of the triptych they were on, which I why they’re rotated to the left, and right on either side. I also wanted to have a continuing background between all of them.
The three images lined up somewhat match the look I was going for, however I don’t feel like it’s developed enough so at this point I’m planning on maybe changing out background’s to give the shots some variety.
I then thought about trying to incorporate some dynamics into the image, conveying movement in a static image has always interested me. So I tried out a few things such as motion blur and trying to capture wind moving through trees. What I finally settled on was flowing water, and the objects that you can find in it. Normally this is just trash that has been thrown away, however some of the objects I found had very interesting dynamics with how they looked and how light was effected by the object being under the water, I think the best example of this was an empty beer bottle.
The movement of the water captured with a shutter speed just slower than would be needed to capture a perfectly still image free of motion blur really emphasises the movement of the water over this static object.
Next I wanted to look at how the water had effected the item itself, the first thing I think about is rust. So I tried to find something with a little more depth to it than just a can as they’re normally very thin and don’t create much of a presence in the image.
This deodorant can had really subtle rust with a nice gradient between what was rusted and what had been less exposed to the water. Again capturing with a slightly slower shutter speed than needed.
Next I wanted to try adding some colour, looking around I picked up the brightest thing I could find which was a orange drink can.
I thought the contrast of the orange and blue was interesting, as well as the turbulence created by the odd shape of it, since this image is a lot less straight than the other two I chose this one to go in the centre to create a divide between the two straighter looking images.
This is my final triptych.
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